That's a ratio of 90 minutes per pot. Admittedly, I did sand an old peeling paint terracotta pot to look older still (but better). Added to those 2 hours spent with the joys of the electric sander, I walked an hour's round trip to the hedge veg stall. You've never seen a brighter more sparkling sea, and more flowering paths on the way to buy maroon-coloured bedding plants to match the maroon Aeonium succulent.
Question - does only Guernsey have Hedge Veg stalls with honesty boxes?
ALSO - when did they become Hedge Veg stalls? We never had such snappy marketing speak for 'tomatoes sold on the hedge by Mrs Tostevin' when I was a kid.
AND - if I didn't actually buy Veg, but I bought plants and it wasn't on the Hedge but actually was on next to a beach slipway, do we need a new phrase? Bedding Plants on the Beach? Pots on the Slip?
What say ye merry guernsey gardeners?
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